Morpheus8 Face & Body

Morpheus8 in West Lafayette and Kokomo

What is Morpheus8?

Morpheus8 is a safe, effective, and non-surgical treatment for full body skin resurfacing, skin tightening, and fat reduction. It uses minimally invasive fractional radiofrequency energy (RF) to penetrate the skin deeper than other microneedling devices, which triggers the skin’s natural healing response to promote skin tightening and lifting.

How Does Morpheus8 Work?

Over time skin can lose its elasticity, leading to wrinkles, lines, and sagging. Using targeted radiofrequency (RF) energy to remodel and rebuild collagen, Morpehus8 can be used to treat skin concerns on both the face and body. The resulting effect is plumper, firmer, tighter, and smoother skin in as few as 2 to 3 treatments. The Morpheus8 is FDA approved as an effective and minimally invasive modular RF fractional solution for full body subdermal adipose remodeling. It is the first and only device to diminish fat in delicate areas in addition to skin tightening. It is great for diminishing extra fat underneath the chin and can even target larger areas such as cellulite on the thighs and buttock.

What Can I Expect During a Morpheus8 Treatment?

With the Morpheus8, topical numbing is applied to the treated area to limit the discomfort. The numbing is applied one hour prior to the treatment. In most cases, a treatment is only 20 to 45 minutes to complete one area, depending on the size of the treated area. During the procedure, a handheld device is pressed into the specified area of the skin, allowing microneedles to penetrate the skin. Once the microneedles are inserted within the skin, they deploy radiofrequency (RF) waves to penetrate deep into the dermal layer. This easy, safe treatment delivers excellent results for all skin types. You can expect mild redness and swelling immediately post procedure which tends to subside within 1 to 2 days. Results are generally seen within 8 weeks after treatment with continued improvement over a 12-week time span. A series of 3 treatments is recommended to achieve desired results.

Morpheus8 Benefits

Morpheus8 allows you to experience the benefits of a facial lifting without the need for corrective surgery. It is the perfect treatment for patients looking for gradual, scarless skin correction. This advanced microneedling treatment improves maturing facial features.

  • Increase collagen production

Morpheus8 introduces a better way to build collagen in the face. After the age of around 25, the amount of collagen in your body begins to decrease. You can expect to lose about 1 percent of your total collagen every year, with a steeper decline for women who have undergone menopause. Morpheus8 induces collagen production, resulting in firmer, renewed, and younger-looking skin.

  • Reduce fine lines and wrinkles

Morpheus8 can be used to improve lines around the eyes, mouth and forehead. Following your treatment, you will see noticeably tighter, brighter, and smoother skin with fewer lines and wrinkles.

  • Lift and tighten sagging skin

Morpheus8 can reduce sagging around your neck, chin, and jowls. It can also help reduce surplus amount of fat from the arms, abdomen, legs, and more. • Minimize acne scarring Morpheus8 can also treat acne and acne scars. A series of treatments can help in reducing the appearance of acne scars and smoothing out the skin’s overall texture.

  • Improve stretch marks

Stretch marks affect many people of various ages, and can form on many different areas of the body. Morpheus8 can help improve stretch marks by breaking up the scar tissue, leading to firmer skin with more even texture.

Morpheus8 Downtime

Morpheus8 treatment is a non-invasive procedure so there is little to no downtime. Immediately after your treatment, you will look and feel like you have a mild sunburn, and your skin may feel warm to the touch. To aid the healing process, avoid strenuous activity for 24-48 hours post-treatment and do not apply makeup until 48 hours after the procedure.

Morpheus8 Post-Care

Following your treatment, use a gentle cleanser wash your face or area treated and follow up with a healing ointment. Limit sun exposure for 5-7 days post treatment. The day after your initial treatment apply a chemical free sunscreen. Makeup can be applied two days following your treatment.

Who is a Candidate for Morpheus8?

Morpheus8 is suitable for most healthy men and women looking to reduce signs of aging. It is also suitable for all skin types, whether you have dry, normal, oily, or sensitive skin. Common complaints that can be addressed with Morpheus8 include neck and chin fullness, rough skin texture, large pores, acne scars, stretch marks, fine lines, wrinkles, and loose skin. To qualify for Morpheus8 treatment, an individual must be in good general health.

How Quickly Will I See Results with Morpheus8?

While every patient’s skin is unique, Morpheus8 results can be seen in as few as 3 days with the most noticeable results appearing after 3 months. You may continue to see improvements months after treatment as it takes collagen up to 6 months to fully form. For best results, three treatments spaced out 8 to 10 weeks apart are recommended, although there is no limit on how many treatments you can have. Skin-tightening results can last on average 2 to 5 years. Regular maintenance treatments are recommended to keep your results lifted to the full extent.

Does Morpheus8 Have Side Effects?

One of the many benefits of Morpheus8 is that the treatment has minimal side effects. Most often, patients experience some redness, pinpoint bleeding, mild bruising, and swelling in the first 24 hours. Some patients have reported bumps or grid marks. Most sensitive reactions resolve within 24 to 72 hours following treatment. During the healing process, it is important to prevent touching or picking at your skin to prevent skin damage and scarring.

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